OfferWe’re here to resolve insurance complaints

If you have a disagreement with an insurance company and you don’t know how to assert your rights, you can submit a complaint to the Ombudsman Office.

How we help

The Insurance Ombudsman provides an independent, impartial service to help resolve disputes with private insurance companies and related problems such as the extent of cover, modifications of insurance contracts, amount of a claim, refusal of daily sickness benefits etc.

The Ombudsman can also help with complaints about accident insurance (UVG/LAA), occupational benefits (BVG/LPP) by collective foundations of life insurers, mortgage loan contracts with insurers for owner-occupied residential property.

Discrepancies regarding

  • Contents of an insurance policy
  • Scope of coverage
  • Amount of a claim
  • Self- or third-party-fault
  • Conclusion or termination of a policy
  • Benefits of an accident insurance (UVG/LAA)
  • Duty to provide occupational benefits (BVG/LPP)
  • Mortgage loan contracts with insurers for owner-occupied residential property

Dispute resolution – free and independent

The Insurance Ombudsman is here to help in conflict situations. We investigate complaints and seek solutions.

investigating complaints

The Ombudsman Office’s lawyers investigate within their scope of competence written complaints about our member insurance companies. Their aim is to identify legitimate concerns of complainants. If the claims are unjustified, the Ombudsman’s team will explain the legal situation in an easily understandable language.

clarifying questions

Misunderstandings and unclear communication are often the cause of disputes. The Ombudsman Office tries to assess problems from a legal point of view. We try to offer further information, thereby settling questions and uncertainties.

obtaining information

If the Ombudsman Office requires further information to form its own opinion and to find a solution, it may request it from the involved insurer. Likewise, the Ombudsman may contact the insurer to clarify questions concerning case-handling procedures.

seeking solutions

If complaints fall within the competence of the Insurance Ombudsman and raise questions related to insurance law, we will get in contact with the involved insurer. With our intervention we will ask the insurer to give its opinion. In this case, the complaint and the documents submitted to the Ombudsman will be made available to the insurer.

resolving disputes

Ideally, both the complainant and the insurance company will resolve the complaint or reach a settlement in the course of the proceedings. If the parties do not reach a settlement, they can further pursue the complaint. None of the services provided by the Insurance Ombudsman will affect the complainant’s or the insurer’s rights.

Making a complaint

The ombuds procedure is carried out in writing – please follow the steps below:

Complain to the insurer

  • Send your complaint to the insurance company and ask it to provide a written response that indicates its position.

  • If you’re not happy with the response you get from the insurer, you can ask us to get involved.


Complain to the Ombudsman

  • When you get in touch with us, we’ll need to know what the problem is and relevant facts of the case.

  • You should also send us important documents (copies of the correspondence with the insurer, contract documents etc.).


Response from the Ombudsman

  • Once we’ve checked your complaint is something we can help with, we’ll start to investigate.

  • If necessary, we’ll contact the insurance company. Ideally, both parties agree to resolve the dispute.

  • If your complaint is outside the scope of our competence, we’ll inform you how to proceed.

Make a complaint

Member Insurance Companies

We resolve conflicts with insurance companies that are members of the Swiss Ombudsman of Private Insurance and of Suva


ACE Versicherungen
Chubb Versicherungen (Schweiz) AG
Agrisano Versicherungen AG (except health insurance)
AIG Europe
Allianz Global Assistance
Allianz Travel
Allianz Suisse
Allianz Suisse Leben
Allianz Travel
Appenzeller Versicherungen
Youplus Assurance AG
Assista Rechtsschutz AG
AXA Winterthur
AXA Winterthur Leben
Basler Leben
Branchen Versicherung Schweiz
CAP Rechtsschutz
CCAP Caisse Cantonale d'Assurance Populaire
Chubb Versicherungen (Schweiz) AG
Cigna, ZN Zürich
Coop versicherungen
Coop Rechtsschutz
CSS Versicherungs AG (except health insurance and daily sickness benefits insurance)
DAS Rechtsschutz
CAP Rechtsschutz
Dextra Rechtsschutz AG
Die Mobiliar
Die Mobiliar Leben
Emmental Versicherung
ERV Europäische Reiseversicherung
Fortuna Rechtsschutz
Generali Personen
Genfer Leben
Zürich Leben
Great Lakes Insurance SE, Swiss branch
Groupe Mutuel Leben GMV AG
Groupe Mutuel Versicherungen GMA AG (except health insurance)
GVB Privatversicherungen AG
HanseMerkur Inernational AG
Helsana Rechtsschutz
Helsana Unfall AG (except health insurance)
Helvetia Leben
Hotela (only daily sickness benefits insurance and accident insurance)
Innova (except health insurance)
Inter Partner Assistance
K-Tipp Rechtsschutz AG
La Suisse
La Suisse Leben
Swiss Life
Lloyd's, London, Zweigniederlassung Zürich
Nationale Suisse Leben
Helvetia Lebensversicherung
Nationale Suisse Versicherungen
Palladio Versicherungen AG
ProTect Versicherung
Die Mobiliar Leben
Rentes Genevoises
Retraites Populaires
Schweizer Hagel
Simpego Versicherungen AG
Skandia Leben
Youplus Assurance AG versicherungen
Solida Assurances SA
SWICA (except health insurance)
Swiss Life
Sympany (except health insurance)
TAS Versicherungen AG
TCS Versicherungen AG
TAS Versicherungen
Youplus Assurance AG
Unfallversicherung Stadt Zürich
USS Versicherungen
VA Versicherung der Schweizer Ärzte Genossenschaft
Vaudoise Vie
Visana Versicherungen AG (except health insurance and daily sickness benefits insurance)
VZ VersicherungsPool AG
Youplus Assurance AG
Zürich Leben

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