COVID-19 – no refund for flight costs
Stranded in Bangkok after WHO declares the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic. Travel insurer refuses to refund forfeited airline tickets.
The Ombudsman of Private Insurance and of Suva provides an impartial complaint resolution service and answers questions related to insurance law.
We provide free help with insurance complaints.
We normally handle documented complaints within a few working days.
We seek extrajudicial solutions and provide non-binding recommendations.
We treat all information we receive confidentially. It is only used for the purpose of a mediation process. We do not otherwise disclose, who contacts the Ombudsman Office.
We investigate fairly and listen to both sides. We form our opinion independently.
We communicate clearly the outcome of our investigation.
Do you have a dispute with an insurance company? We’re here to help. The impartial Ombudsman Office can advise you and help to resolve conflicts.
Our offerinvestigate complaints about insurance companies that are based on written evidence
clarify procedures / the applicable law / the facts of a case
collect relevant information from the insurer
resolve problems and conflicts (mediation)
provide alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services
offer general insurance advice
offer general legal advice
look into a problem that has been decided by a court, or that concerns a UVG/LAA decision
investigate health insurance matters (basic and supplementary)
look at complaints about social security (AHV/IV/EO / AVS/AI/APG)
Stranded in Bangkok after WHO declares the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic. Travel insurer refuses to refund forfeited airline tickets.
Accident insurance wouldn’t pay for treatment of a sports injury because health problems were deemed to be an illness rather than an accident.
A trip was cancelled for health reasons. Insurer rejects claim, because policyholder had recovered before he was due to depart.
The Swiss Ombudsman of Private Insurance and of Suva is Martin Lorenzon, Attorney-at-Law. He and his team offer impartial help with your insurance disputes.
We’re here to resolve disputes